Installing the Japanese language pack for Acrobat Reader (8) on OpenSUSE Linux

Today, while reading up on possible suppliers of HV-supplies, my Adobe Reader complained that it could not read part of a document without the Japanese language extension pack. Very conveniently the pop-up warning message contains the address of the adobe website where one can download the language extension for free (make sure you get the correct file for your version of acrobat reader):

Its a simple matter of unpacking the tar.gz file, entering the created folder (“JPNKIT” in my case) in a terminal window, switching to root and typing: ./INSTALL
However, as part of the installation procedure, the install script asks for the correct location of your Adobe Reader installation. Now maybe it’s because I am not a linux Pro, but I did not know which directory the script was asking for. It was not the /usr/bin/acroread path. After a very unlucky search on google for the correct path, I finally figured it out. The path to use was the following:
The installer finished and I can go on with my work. Maybe someone out there will find this post helpful.

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